from ploughland to kitchen table
Gábor Nagy and Balázs Sövényházi – small-scale producers
50 István Papp Street, Nemesvámos 8248
+36 30 2030 133
Please, respect that farmers do not only sell their products, but do famring, as well or work at in their main job. If you intend to purchase, please, make an appointment in advance by phone.
- pork products
- smoked meat (ham, spare rib, bacon, cooked bacon, sausage, Hungarian salami, Hungarian paprika salami)
- sausage, bloodwurst, liverwurst, liver paste, brawn, crackling, crackling cream, fat
- raw meat
- pickles (green tomato, chilli paprika, cucumber)
- jams (plum, peach, other seasonal fruit)
Gábor and Balázs have been working together as small-scale producers for a long time. They have more than 10-year experience.
Godfather and godson have built their farm together. Quality and good repute have always been focused on. The fact that their livestock is fed by their own, top-quality fodder seems to support this.
Their meat products are made without any preservatives and additives. They do farming whole-heartedly, which can be felt when trying their products. They use unique, home-made recipes. Gábor has learnt the process of marinading in his childhood when watching Nemesvámos butchers’ work. It has still been a childhood memory for him. Observing the burchers’ secrets, Gábor has made his recipes and passed them onto his godson.
You will not be disappointed if you decidet o try their products!
We recommend their sausages, wursts, smoked meat products to real gourmets. Those who would like really good pork on their Sunday’s lunch table will be proud of meals made from the pork produced on Gábor and Balázs’s farm.