Kalla Családi Gazdaság Kft. home flavours – how gourmets like them
Kalla Kft. – Dávid Roland Kalla
41 Rákóczi Street, Sümegprága
+36 70 228 6944
As everybody in Kalla Family is involved in farming, purchase is only possible after an appointment has been made. The farm can be visited in groups of maximum 8 people, at a time agreed 1-2 weeks in adavance.
- Kalla Natur Élelmiszerek
- Kalla Natur Élelmiszerek
dairy products:
- yogurt
- cottage cheese
- various types of cheese: parenyica, pálpuszta, Camembert, mellowed cheese
fruit juices:
- grape juice
- apple juice
- peach
- plum
- cherry
- chestnut mash (seasonally)
- walnut, walnut kernel
- meat (vacuumed meat, beef salami, dried ham)
- Bolognese sauce
- live-stock (calf)
You can purchase on the market of Káptalantóti and in our planned shop on the market of Keszthely or at our centre a tan agreed time.
Kalla Family do farming on 60 hectares in the area of Bazsi and Sümegprága. Roland used to work as a chef in Switzerland earlier. He has brought home the knowledge and experience gained there and learnt how to make cheese and do farming.
The family manufactures their products from the excellent quality milk of their own Hungarian live-stock. In summer, they mainly make soft cheese – Camembert, pálpuszta, Feta, mozzarella and parenyica – while in winter, mellowed cheese is made. Fresh, seasoned beef meat and smoked, dried meat products are also made. They only process materials, gained from their on farm. Roland is keen on the variousness of the farm, which he considers one of the greatest values. Manufacturing dairy products and processing low-scale beef is done all through the year, while fruit juices, jams and other specialities are made seasonally from the fruit of the farm.