Carved Wood Souvenirs and Objects

More than a product, as the craftsmen of Balaton Uplands guarantee that only unique, unrepeatable works are born in their hands, having their own stylistic marks.
Wandering around the settlements, hikers can see handcraft workshops. No matter if it is a potter’s, a ceramist’s, a blasksmith’s, a cooper’s, a husk spinner’s, a wood carver’s, a bead threader’s, a painter’s or a sculptor’s workshop feeding on the treasures of folklore or applied arts. Much beauty, aesthetic quality, countless values which preserve and take care of our several-hundred-year-old culture and traditions or even create new ones.
Cooperating Balaton Uplands – The Real Value – Simply receive it!
Carved Wood Souvenirs and Objects
Colurful Beauties From Mencshely
of Paloznak
Enchanting Lavender Honey-souvenirs