of Paloznak

We, together with the local farmers, services and self-governements, have established Rural Quality – Cooperating Balaton Uplands Brand in order to help You in the era of information mass to get to the more hidden places of our region where you can use quality products and services, while meeting the values of the area.
Discover the quality-brand meals, restaurants and handcrafted products from Sümeg through the Valley of Arts, as far as Lake Balaton.
Cooperating Balaton Uplands – The Real Value – Simply receive it!
Search for the quality products and services having the Cooperating Balaton Uplands Brand.
of Paloznak
Handcrafted Wines’ Shop
The best of Jimmy Fülig and Fred Piszkos
Marriage and Family Pedagogy Association
a healthy speciality from Peiba Kft. family enterprise
The Tastes of Old Times
Wine Cellars and Vineyard
Wine Culture in the Reborn 18th-century Wine-Press House
Wine Cellar and Juhfark Inn
For the pleasure of children and adults